FAQ: What happens if I only connect the sense terminals of my E3600 power supply to my DUT?

The sense connections are connected to the output via 1.96 kOhm sense protect resistors. In normal local sense operation, the protection resistors are shorted by the local sense jumpers. Since the voltage is regulated at the sense terminals and not at the output, these resistors are in place to protect the DUT from voltage spikes which may occur if the sense terminal connections are broken. By connecting a 500 Ohm load across the sense terminals for example, a small amount of current will flow through both of the sense protect resistors.

Applies to: E3620A, E3630A, E3631A, E3632A, E3633A, E3634A, E3640A, E3641A, E3642A, E3643A, E3644A, E3645A, E3646A, E3647A, E3648A, E3649A

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